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Pinnacle Polish Rebrand

I’ve thought for a long time about this, and kept coming back to the idea that “Dizzy Lizzy Lacquer” didn’t really fit my brand.  The silly name paired with the simple, minimalist bottles and a hodgepodge of green that went into the packaging just didn’t feel cohesive to me, so in June I started working on brainstorming a new theme.  I came up with a list of ideas I liked and eventually settled on Pinnacle Polish.  Then I drafted up a rough idea of a new logo and had an artist turn it into the finished product you see here!  

There was nothing “wrong” with Dizzy Lizzy, but it was essentially an inside joke with a middle school friend, and as much as it has a fond place in my heart, it wasn’t what I wanted to represent the face of my brand as I try to grow.  Pinnacle Polish represents more of both my personality and the theme of my products - adventurous, fantastical colors largely inspired by nature or natural elements of fictional worlds.  I thought about switching my bottle design to round bottles - the square ones are harder to find consistently - but got overwhelming feedback in favor of keeping the square bottles, so they’ll be staying for as long as I can keep restocking them!  The only change to the packaging (besides the logo) will be white caps instead of black.  I'm excited to share the new packaging as soon as it's ready, but right now with the logo being finalized and the new bottle caps (plus more bottles) in the mail, I don't quite have that ready yet.

Originally my idea was to keep the Dizzy Lizzy name on my social media until Oct 1, but for creating "permanent" things like the linktree URL it worked better to switch account names now.  I hope this won't be too confusing for anyone!

When I launched my brand, I initially planned to use black logo labels, with white ones only for polishes too dark for the black to show up.  Instead I found that for nearly everything except pure white polishes, the white labels showed up better.  I think the lighter color also fits better with my outdoor motif, although the functionality of the white labels is the main reason for the switch.  (Note that all polishes will have white caps after the October 1 launch, even polishes with black labels.  I’m essentially switching to doing the opposite of what I’m doing now.)

Finally, while I've obviously set up this website as "Dizzy Lizzy Lacquer" and was working on it for a couple months before I'd decided for sure on the rebrand, this website is a huge improvement over Etsy - for me and hopefully for you, as well!  Etsy requires sellers to give each item just one "Category" and so you can list the same item multiple times to have it in multiple categories, but that makes it hard to keep track of stock for items that have limited quantities.  The new shop allows me to just tag each item into as many categories as I want, which makes it easier for you to find what you're looking for!  Sorting by finish on Etsy made the most sense when I had to pick just one, but now you can choose to browse by finish, by color, or by collection.  You'll also be able to sign up for my newsletter (field at the bottom right of the page), which I'll be working on regularly sending out soon!